CareFlight Ghana
CareFlight Ghana

CareFlight Mobile Intensive Care Unit (MICU)
CareFlight Mobile Intensive Care Unit (MICU)
Two levels of Medical care are available. Our Mobile Intensive Care Unit which is Level 1 care is fitted with the best equipment in the field of emergency care and manned by highly skilled staff. Our Mobile Intensive Care Unit staff includes one Critical Care Nurse with over 5 years experience , a paramedic and all maintain ACLS certification. We provide a basic ambulance which is level 2 care for our patrons and escalate to the MICU depending on your condition. We are capable of providing cardiac enzymes, arterial blood gasses and other critical required labs whilst en-route to the receiving hospital, in this way clinicians are able to make a diagnosis swiftly and give definitive treatment when the patient arrives in Hospital, the first of its kind in West Africa